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Let's Discuss Earthquake Recovery!

The next damaging earthquake…the USGS predicts that it’s coming within the next 30 years, but no one knows exactly ​​when. At the CEA, we often talk about preparedness, how to mitigate potential damage, and the necessary precautions for earthquake safety, but our mission is more than that. We want to provide Californians the Strength to Rebuild® through appropriate earthquake coverage.

Earthquake insurance is a key component in preparedness and in earthquake recovery. CEA wants to help you provide your clients the tools they need to make the recovery process as smooth as possible. We have talked about the Seven Steps to Earthquake Safety, but the last step might be overlooked, even though it is incredibly important. Step Seven addresses “Reconnecting and Restoring”.

According to Earthquake Country Alliance, some of the first steps in recovery are:

  • Take pictures of any damage to your property and home.
  • Contact your insurance agent or home insurance company right away.
  • Keep records of any repair or cleaning costs.
  • Check on your community – it’s a great time to make sure your more tenured neighbors are doing okay after an earthquake!

That’s just the beginning of recovery. Check out this amazing resource from the Earthquake Country Alliance to help you and your clients understand what recovery might look like after the next damaging earthquake.

Remember, it’s not a matter of if, but when. CEA wants to make sure you and your clients are prepared prior to an earthquake, but also, for the recovery process that comes in the aftermath.