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A Leading Agent’s View of Earthquake Insurance

A Leading Agent’s View of Earthquake Insurance

(L-R) CEA CEO Glenn Pomeroy, CEA Advisory Panel member Todd Anglin, and CEA Chief Mitigation Officer Janiele Maffei.

Explaining California Earthquake Authority (CEA) Policies is Vital

Living in California and knowing that a big earthquake “could happen today” (as the CEA television commercials proclaim) makes it very important for me to help my customers—and all Californians—better understand their potential risk, as well as affordable solutions provided by CEA.

When you see statistics like the 99 percent probability of a 6.7 (or greater) magnitude quake in the next 30 years in our state and know that more than 90 percent of Californians go without earthquake insurance protection to help in their recovery, it makes you realize this scenario would be very similar to the aftermath of the recent flood and wildfire catastrophes seen around the United States.

The Right Questions to Ask

As insurance agents, when we sit down with our customers and potential customers, it behooves us to raise questions such as:

  • “Where would you live after a major quake?”
  • “Would you still have income from the same source to pay your bills?”
  • “Will you have adequate financial resources to pay for temporary housing and other expenses after a devastating event?”
  • “Would your children be able to go to the same school and have a roof over their heads each night?”
  • “How much equity in your home would you lose if you didn’t have your home properly protected?”

As such, I take a logical, simple, and common-sense approach with my customers when I discuss the importance of earthquake insurance.

Living in the East Bay Area in Northern California, I remind my local customers that the infamous Hayward fault produces (on average) a significant earthquake once every 150 years, and that the last major Hayward quake was 151 years ago. Then I pose this question, “Would you rather be one of the few Californians who has earthquake insurance to protect their property and recover after a quake, or one of the many Californians unable to protect their biggest investment or future because they’re not properly insured?”

Join Me in Getting the Word Out

It’s not a question of IF, but rather WHEN, the next large quake will strike. I speak from personal experience when I say that I sleep much better at night knowing that when the big one does occur, my family will live in one of the few homes on my street that will be rebuilt because we have earthquake insurance provided by CEA.

As a proud member of the CEA Advisory Panel, I am asking all California insurance agents to join me in stepping up our efforts to get the word out to consumers about the importance of having earthquake insurance in our beautiful, but earthquake-prone, state. The CEA’s mission is “Educate, Mitigate, Insure,” and as insurance agents we need to be the loudest and most enthusiastic CEA ambassadors in proclaiming the good news about earthquake insurance to enable consumers to make the most informed decisions for themselves and their futures.

Guest Blogger Todd Anglin is a leading State Farm Agent who lives in Hayward and works in nearby Castro Valley. In addition to running a successful business, Todd is very active in his community, currently serving as President-Elect of the Rotary Club of Castro Valley. Todd also serves as a member of the California Earthquake Authority Advisory Panel, a position he was appointed to by the California Insurance Commissioner.