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The Right Information at the Right Time

The Right Information at the Right Time

Your Policyholders are #1

When it comes to customer service, you want the very best. And when it comes to earthquake insurance, Californians not only want, but deserve the very best from you.

That’s why it pays to have the knowledge to provide the answers they’re looking for, so you can earn your policyholders’ trust and keep their business for a lifetime. Of course, CEA is here to help you every step of the way.

The CEA Participating Residential Insurer (PI)

As a California residential insurer authorized to offer CEA earthquake insurance, your office has the role of:

  • Issuing CEA insurance quotes
  • Selling CEA earthquake insurance policies
  • Handling policy renewals
  • Helping policyholders make changes to their existing CEA policy
  • Processing invoices and payments
  • Handling earthquake damage claims

To provide the best customer service, it’s important to remember that you do not send your policyholders to CEA for any of these services.


Because we can’t answer policyholder questions about applications, billing, cancellations, or claims handling. Instead, we work with 24 different PIs, who handle the selling and servicing of CEA policies on our behalf.

If your policyholder gets sent to us for any of these services, we can’t help them. This can quickly cause delays and, understandably, frustration—things that turn policyholders off and may even turn them away.

So be sure you recognize how to best support your policyholders with the right services and the right information. Thoroughly understand your office’s policies and procedures, and when it comes to earthquake insurance, let CEA help you help them.

CEA is Here for You

CEA offers continual support by helping you get the training, skills, and updated information you need to be successful. To get the most out of that support, make sure you:

Still have questions? Contact CEA's Information Desk at (888) 423-2322, available Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. PT.

Working together, let’s help Californians get the answers and the earthquake insurance coverage they need.