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CEA Agent Training

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How to join a CEA Webinar:

  1. Log into your CEA account.
  2. Register for the course (if you haven’t already)
  3. Access the Training page.
  4. Scroll down to Your Upcoming Training.
  5. 15 minutes prior to the start time, a Join button will appear on the course listing.
  6. Select the Join button.​

You choose the training that best meets your needs and schedule, and get:

  • Overview of CEA Policy coverages, benefits and deductibles
  • Tips on overcoming sales objections
  • Earthquake retrofit information, and much more

Plus! California licensed agents are eligible for up to 2 C.E. credits.

Learn more in our Agent Training FAQs.


Agent Training FAQs

We've gathered some frequently asked questions from agents to help you understand more about CEA training and the options we offer you.

Q: If I only attend part of agent training, can I get partial credit?

A. No. The California Department of Insurance approves continuing education (CE) courses for a specific number of credit hours, so you must attend the entire course to receive credit. Partial credit is not allowed.

Q: What is covered in a CEA agent-training seminar?

A. We offer free CEA earthquake policy training, which includes an in-depth review of our policies, a full comparison of our standard and Choice homeowners policies, policy enhancements, information about how the deductible is applied, and overcoming objections. Sign up for a training today!

Q: Do I have to be a licensed agent to take agent training?

A. We encourage anyone who handles or discusses CEA policies, including customer service staff, to attend an agent training seminar. If you have a valid California property license at the time you successfully complete the course, you can receive continuing education (CE) credits. If you receive your California property license after completing the training seminar, you would need to re-take the course to receive CE credits.

Q: How long does it take for my CE credits to post?

A. We usually report CE credits to the California Department of Insurance a few days after the training concludes, but it can take up to 30 days.

Q: How many times can I take an agent-training course?

A. You can take the training seminar as many times as you like, but courses can only be completed to earn CE credit if the completion dates are in a different two-year license term. You can check the status of your license with the California Department of Insurance (CDI).

Q: What happens if I arrive late to a CEA training?

A. For an in-person training, we recommend that you arrive at least 15 minutes before the start of the training to complete any registration paperwork required by the California Department of Insurance (CDI).

Webinar attendees should allow sufficient time prior to the start of the training to make sure their systems are compatible with the webinar program.

For any of the trainings we offer, if you arrive after the start of class, you are welcome to stay for the remainder. But, CE credits will not be provided if you arrive more than 15 minutes late. Please discuss this with your instructor after the class has concluded.

Q: Why should I take a CEA agent-training seminar?

A. With CEA’s available training options, you’ll be ready for any CEA earthquake insurance question that comes your way. Not only will it make you a valuable resource to your policyholders, but you’ll reap many benefits as well:

  • Customer retention: The more insurance products you can offer and expertly discuss, the less likely your customers will look for another agent. And since the retention rate for CEA policies is about 90%, it makes sense to train up on CEA earthquake insurance.
  • ​Growing your book of business: On average, 9 out of 10 of your clients need earthquake insurance, so there is potential for increased commission.