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The Earthquake Insurance Conversation

The Earthquake Insurance Conversation

Avoiding the Regrets of Being Uninsured for Earthquake Damage

Imagine the thoughts of helplessness that could go through your policyholder’s head if their uninsured house was destroyed by an earthquake:

As we stood outside our damaged home, we couldn’t believe it. The earthquake came out of nowhere, shaking the earth around us. The house rocked so badly it was thrown off its foundation. A lifetime of memories in that house… And the worst part? We didn’t have earthquake insurance. Didn’t think we needed it. I wish our agent had taken the time to explain to us how important it was...

Take a moment and put yourself in your policyholder’s shoes …

  • What would it be like if my home was damaged or destroyed by an earthquake?
  • How would I feel?
  • Would I even have the money to rebuild?
  • How soon before I could get things back to normal?

The Earthquake Conversation Every Agent Needs to Have Today

According to the California Department of Insurance, only about 10% of California households are covered by earthquake insurance. Sadly, some of those not covered have never been told about earthquake insurance by their agent, or have been told they don’t need it. Others may know about it, but think:

  • “I can’t fit it into my budget.”
  • “I’ll get around to looking into it later."
  • “My house survived the last earthquake, so I have nothing to worry about.”

Don’t Put the Conversation Off a Minute Longer

As their trusted insurance advisor, listening and empathizing with your policyholders is crucial. Help them understand the realities of recovering from a damaging earthquake if they’re not insured.

  • CEA has more expanded coverage choices and deductible options, to fit most needs and budgets.
  • Earthquakes strike without warning. Don’t put off being prepared and protecting your most valuable asset.
  • Earthquake risk is real and every quake is different. Just because a house didn’t have damage from a previous earthquake, doesn’t mean it won’t have substantial damage from the next one.

Don’t put off talking to your policyholders about the benefits of a CEA earthquake policy. Take advantage of our free resources to help you understand how earthquakes can affect your policyholders’ lives—including their financial bottom line.

A CEA policy will help your insureds put their lives back together after a damaging earthquake. It’s up to you to have the conversation before the next quake happens.

Your policyholders will thank you for it.