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Premium Discounts

CEA offers earthquake insurance premium discounts for older houses that have been retrofitted to better withstand earthquakes.

What is a retrofit? A retrofit, sometimes called a seismic retrofit, involves strengthening the house to make it more resistant to earthquakes.

We also offer a discount for mobilehomes that have been reinforced or built to better withstand earthquakes.

Does your insured's house or mobilehome qualify for a CEA premium discount?

Discounts for single-family homes:

Your insured may be eligible to receive up to a 25% discount on their CEA earthquake insurance premium if the house:

  • Was built before 1980,
  • Is wood-frame construction,
  • Is on a raised foundation or other foundation type that is not entirely slab,
  • Has the following elements, either as originally built or a subsequent improvement or seismic retrofit:
    • Is anchored to the foundation in accordance with California Existing Building Code (CEBC) standards*,
    • Has a water heater that is properly secured to the building frame**, and
    • Cripple walls, if any, are braced in accordance with CEBC standards.*

Documentation is required to receive the discount. See the chart below to learn what's required for the insured to get a Hazard Reduction Discount.

Homeowners: Get Your Policy Premium Discount

Foundation Type Year Built Required Documentation
1940 - 1979 1939 or earlier
Raised Foundation 20% discount 25% discount The insured should complete and submit a CEA Earthquake Insurance Dwelling Retrofit Verification Form (DRV form) that has been signed by a civil or structural engineer or a licensed contractor.

(non-slab) Foundation
10% discount 15% discount The insured should complete and submit a CEA Earthquake Insurance Dwelling Retrofit Verification Form (DRV form) that has been signed by a civil or structural engineer or a licensed contractor.

For more information about CEA's Hazard Reduction Discount (HRD), please call (888) 423-2322.

If the insured's home has already been properly retrofitted, the insured should work with the contractor or a structural engineer to fill out the CEA Earthquake Insurance – Dwelling Retrofit Verification form (PDF). Then submit the form to your insured's homeowners insurance company.

Download the CEA Earthquake Insurance – Dwelling Retrofit Verification Form (PDF)

Learn more about qualifying house characteristics, or learn about seismic retrofitting and how houses are vulnerable to earthquake damage. And scroll down to learn how the insured may be eligible for $3,000 toward a seismic retrofit!

Discounts for mobilehomes:

The insured may receive a 21% discount on their CEA earthquake insurance premium if the mobilehome:

If the mobilehome has already been certified with an earthquake-resistant bracing system, your insured should provide a copy of a final inspection report that verifies prior issuance of a building permit and that the system and installation meet one of the eligibility criteria above for you to submit to the insured’s homeowners insurance company.

To obtain the necessary forms to get the home's bracing system certified by HCD, or to learn more about installing an earthquake-resistant bracing system on the mobilehome, please contact HCD.

Get Help to Pay for a Retrofit

A brace and bolt retrofit may cost several thousand dollars—the actual price depends on your insureds house.

We offer a brace + bolt program to help!

* If the dwelling has:

  • Cripple walls, they all must be braced in accordance with CEBC standards, as determined by an inspection conducted in accordance with the CEA Earthquake Insurance – Dwelling Retrofit Verification Form (PDF) Requirements; or the home has a valid Brace + Bolt verification number.
  • A post-and-pier, post-and-beam, or unreinforced masonry brick/stone foundation, the dwelling must, in compliance with CEBC standards, have foundations that are placed continuously under all exterior bearing walls, be anchored to the perimeter foundation. In addition, all cripple walls must be braced as noted above.

** In accordance with Guidelines for Earthquake Bracing of Residential Water Heaters (California Department of General Services, Division of the State Architect).​