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Got ShakeOut?

Got ShakeOut?

Practicing for the Real Thing

On Thursday, October 19, 2017, at 10:19 a.m., millions of people across California and around the world will take part in the Great ShakeOut by practicing to drop, cover, and hold on during an earthquake. The Great ShakeOut earthquake drill teaches what to do – and not to do – during an earthquake.

With the recent earthquakes in Mexico, Californians are taking notice of the devastation and want to know how to prepare and protect themselves – and their homes – from earthquakes.

One thing you can do is help your policyholders and potential clients register for and participate in the Great California ShakeOut. This is an opportunity for you to reach out with some helpful resources, such as:

It’s also a natural lead-in to helping them see the value of a California Earthquake Authority (CEA) earthquake insurance policy.

Peace of Mind No Earthquake Can Shake

Many Californians mistakenly believe that earthquake damage is covered under their residential insurance policy.

As you know, to be covered, they’ll need a separate earthquake policy.

Remind them that without coverage, they will be left with the full costs of repair or replacement. There is no government guarantee of recovery grants or loans.

As a CEA-trained agent and their trusted advisor:

  • Point out their earthquake risk.
  • Discuss their ability to pay for the full cost of damages.
  • Review CEA's flexible products and deductibles, which can help make their policy more affordable.
  • Explain how CEA coverage will help financially protect their home and belongings when an earthquake strikes.

The Great California ShakeOut will help your clients prepare to survive and recover from the next big earthquake. And with your help, they will be able to recover financially as well.