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Learning the Seven Steps to Earthquake Safety

Do you know the Seven Steps to Earthquake Safety? We recommend providing them to your clients to help them understand how to prepare themselves for the next damaging earthquake. Or, they can help you ease into the conversation about why earthquake insurance is a necessary component in financial preparedness. Watch this Seven Steps video:

If you can’t access the video during your client visit, here are the Seven Steps to Earthquake Safety:


  1. Secure your space: Identify hazards and secure moveable items.
  2. Plan to be safe: Create a disaster plan and decide how to communicate in an emergency.
  3. Organize disaster supplies: Organize in a convenient location.
  4. Minimize financial hardship: Organize important documents, strengthen your property, and consider insurance.


  1. Drop, cover and hold on … When the earth shakes.
  2. Improve safety … After the earthquake, evacuate if necessary, helping the injured.


  1. Reconnect and restore … Reconnect with others, repair damage and rebuild community.

Order a Seven Steps to Earthquake Safety​ laminated poster for yourself or your clients in the Agent Store today!