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New home, New policy

At some point, people will do it: Your clients will eventually move or buy a home. With such as a huge life event looming somewhere in your client's future, we wanted to make sure you don't miss out on this great sales opportunity, so we have compiled some things to consider.

  • According to Time magazine, "[home] sales peak in the spring, helping to explain why about 60% of those who move do so in the summer." Families most likely want to be fully moved in before school starts in August or September.
  • CEA policy transactions are handled by our participating insurance company agents with whom they already have developed a trusted relationship.
  • CEA claims are evaluated and settled by the CEA participating insurance company adjusters who have extensive training and experience with claims handling.
  • Nearly everyone in California lives within 30 miles of an active fault that could cause a damaging earthquake. In fact, thousands of known faults crisscross California, and scientists continue to discover new ones.
  • Earthquake insurance from the CEA is more affordable than you might think. For less than the cost of a cup of coffee a day, your clients will have the strength to rebuild® after a damaging earthquake.
  • CEA deductible options and coverage choices expanded last year, so it is even easier for your clients to select a policy that fits their needs or budget.
  • CEA is actuarially sound, which means we have been deemed by financial experts to have sufficient funds – more than $14 billion -- to pay all claims from even a devastating earthquake.