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Sneak Peek at CEA's New "It Could Happen Today" Advertising Campaign

Sneak Peek at CEA's New "It Could Happen Today" Advertising Campaign

CEA’s Greatest Sales Strength: You

Thanks in part to your hard work and dedication, CEA passed the one million policies mark this past December. Yet even with all our hard work, many Californians still do not have an earthquake insurance policy. Why?

Unfortunately, many Californians still believe myths and only remember outdated information about earthquake insurance. But that’s about to change…

A New Resource to Help You Sell

Beginning April 1st, CEA is rolling out its new It Could Happen Today advertising campaign, designed to help motivate California residents to purchase CEA earthquake insurance.

  1. The campaign will leverage emotional, factual, and benefit-driven messages to help motivate all types of California residents to purchase a CEA policy.
  2. The creative advertising material behind the Today campaign recognizes that everyone has thoughts that tug at them when trying to sleep, and will seek to replicate this internal dialogue to prompt people to consider earthquake insurance.

Most important, it will lead them to you, their reliable insurance advisor.

Reaching Out to All Californians

The campaign will utilize broad-based media such as:

  • TV
  • Radio
  • Print advertising

As well as more highly targeted outlets like:

  • Digital advertising
  • Social media

To increase their impact, these efforts will rely on the power of the personal story.

Stories to Touch Hearts and Minds

The creative campaign leans heavily on anecdotes and insights from everyday Californians who:
  • May have experienced damage to their home from an earthquake
  • Are concerned about an earthquake happening
  • Have purchased an earthquake insurance policy

The stories bring to life what earthquake risk and recovery looks like along with showing the short-term impact an earthquake can have on a family and home.

Also, they shed light on the reality of long-term disruptions such as being forced from your home because of earthquake damage.

Be Prepared to Help Your Policyholders

After exposure to these marketing efforts, Californians will be directed to CEA’s online premium calculator or to CEA’s website for more information.

From there, they’ll be directed to you to close the sale.

Are you ready?

Don’t get caught off-guard when your phone starts ringing with traffic driven to you by CEA’s new campaign!

Visit the agent section of the CEA website for CEA policy information and free policy brochures. And if you haven’t already, make the time to take CEA’s free agent training.

Remember…it could happen today.

And if it does, your policyholders will have you to thank for getting them through the next damaging earthquake safely and financially intact.