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Awesome Perks to Being CEA Trained


The benefits of CEA's agent training goes beyond simple product knowledge.

1. Customer retention

​​​The competition is actively seeking your valued clients, so the more products you can offer and expertly discuss, the less likely your clients will look for another agent. The retention rate for CEA policies is about 90%, so it makes sense to sell CEA policies.

Give yourself the tools to succeed by leveraging a free CEA training and set yourself apart and positively differentiate yourself from the competition.​

2. Selling confidently

Your clients look to you as their trusted advisor, so the more you understand our policies and products, the more likely you are to make the sale and strengthen your role as a trusted advisor to your clients.

For example, did you know: Most people think the CEA policy deductible is paid out of pocket, like some other types of insurance. In reality, the deductible is simply subtracted from the covered losses. Knowledge like this will help you confidently represent CEA policies to your clients and sell more effectively.

3. Growing your book of business

On average, nine out of ten of your clients need earthquake insurance, so the commission potential is virtually limitless. And, the more policies your clients have with you, the more likely they'll trust you with future policy purchases for them – and their families. ​