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How’s that Earthquake Preparedness Kit Coming Along?

It Makes Good Sense To Be Prepared For An Earthquake

While there may not be a law in California saying you have to be prepared for an earthquake, it sure makes a lot of sense to be prepared anyway. Right?

Of course, a CEA earthquake insurance policy is a great place to start, but preparation also means making sure your customers and their families are personally prepared.

Doing things like organizing important financial documents, identifying hazards in the home, as well as securing moveable items and creating a family disaster plan are all important earthquake preparedness steps they can take.

When it comes to personal readiness, one thing you can do is encourage your customers to put together earthquake emergency kits for every member of their family. When an earthquake hits, having a basic supply of necessities will make it that much easier to survive and recover from an earthquake.

So what should a kit include? For starters…

  • A flashlight (with fresh batteries if needed)
  • Enough food and water to last at least three days
  • First aid items
  • Transistor radio
  • Extra clothing

For a more complete list of items to have for an earthquake emergency kit, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has put together a handy Emergency Supply List you can refer your customers to.

Don’t miss this great opportunity to let your customers benefit from your expertise as you help them prepare for the next earthquake.