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The California Earthquake: An Unwanted House Guest

The California Earthquake: An Unwanted House Guest

Knock, Knock… Earthquake Calling

Ever get a knock on the door from someone you didn’t invite to your home?

The kind of guest that shows up unannounced, wreaks havoc, then just as quickly, heads out leaving you to pick up the mess?

Just like an uninvited house guest, earthquakes tend to come around unannounced and leave behind a trail of damage.

Of course, not all earthquakes are strong enough to destroy a home, but many are strong enough to create the need for significant repairs and replacement of damaged belongings.

Whether an earthquake destroys a home or causes moderate damage to your customer's property and belongings, someone has to pay to repair the damage, along with other associated costs.

Costs like obtaining permits, living elsewhere during repairs, and removing debris. And if your customers don’t have a CEA earthquake insurance policy, those costs are going to come straight out of their pocket.

Your Policyholders Have a Choice

With a CEA homeowners earthquake insurance policy, you can help your customers choose the coverages and deductibles they need. We offer two policies for homeowners:

  • Homeowners Choice includes coverage for their house, building code upgrades, and emergency repairs. We also offer optional Personal Property coverage for their belongings, and Loss of Use, which can pay for additional living expenses if they have to live elsewhere due to earthquake damage. Homeowners Choice is flexible—your policyholders choose the coverages and options they need.
  • Standard Homeowners bundles all of the coverages we offer into one package: home, Personal Property, Building Code Upgrades, the additional costs to live elsewhere due to earthquake damage (Loss of Use), and Emergency Repairs.

Which CEA Policy Is Best For Your Policyholder?

You can help your customers choose which policy best meets their needs and budget, by helping them understand CEA policy coverages and deductibles for the standard Homeowners and Homeowners Choice policies.

You can direct them to our homeowners policies page, which illustrates the differences between the two policies.

Do they have the CEA brochure in hand? Walk them through CEA's Homeowners Policy Brochure (PDF. Along with describing Homeowners and Homeowners Choice policies, the brochure also has a chart illustrating the potential pay out for both major and moderate earthquake scenarios. (You can order free hard copies of the brochure to hand or mail to your policyholders.)

Once you help them understand their policy choices, be sure to take them to the premium calculator to show them their premium cost options.

Help Your Policyholders Make a Great Choice

Cleaning up after a pesky house guest is bad enough. Having to pay for the damage left behind is even worse.

Why not help your customers see the value of a CEA earthquake insurance policy today, and help them get peace of mind when it comes to keeping their wallets safe from a damaging earthquake?

Have questions about CEA policies? Check out the agent FAQ section or Contact Us for answers.